Wow, I can't believe it is August already. Yikes. Seems like the summer always goes by so fast. He has been rainy and overcast here the last few days but still hot during the day. We didn't end up going camping this weekend because Jon had to work so I am trying to get some stuff done around the house. Going through the never ending stack of bills, mail, and everything else that gets piled on the counter and doing laundry. Jon's new job is going well and keeping him busy and of course the kids and I love that he is working here and not out of town for the whole week. Jon is also in the process of doing some fix up things to the jeep so we can try and sell it. For those of you that know us, I think Jon has thought about selling his jeep about a hundred times but after driving it almost never this summer I think he is realizing that it just isn't practical to keep around any longer. If anyone knows someone who is interested in possibly purchasing it, let us know. I think he has a few leads but nothing set in stone. Our neighbors just put their house on the market, yesterday. I think that brings the total houses for sale on our street to like 5. I can't believe how many people are trying to sell and not getting anywhere this summer. The market is horrible here. My sister just put her townhouse on the market and sold it in 2 weeks after a ton of people came to look at it in the Salt Lake area. I was stunned it sold so fast. It's crazy that the market is so different from here to there. Anywho...enough rambling.
We had a busy week. Jon was working nights and trying to sleep during the day which is always a bit challenging. I always feel bad because the kids aren't exactly quiet. I have been working and staying busy with the kids. We went to the park a few times this week for playgroup and for a going away party for a family at church that is moving. We are all so sad to see them go, they are such a great family but he found his dream job and the rest is history. They will really be missed. They have 2 girls that babysit for me and it is always hard to try and find sitters. Our family will really miss them. Good luck Andrew and Denise, we love you!! We are going over labor day to Salt Lake for my reconstruction consultation with the micro surgeon and to see my sister Toni and her husband Doug. My oldest sister Amy and her family are also driving there over labor day and so we will all get to hang out. My kids are so excited. Olivia asks me everyday when are we going to Toni and Doug's? Cole's going to be there right? (my nephew) How many days? She is funny. It is hard to tell her because she hasn't really grasped the concept of what a week is so I keep telling her in 4 Sundays. She is also excited to go in our "new" car and have room to spread out. It will be our first road trip. We are all looking forward to it. I also finished my book this last week "It's not about the Bike", the Lance Armstrong story. It was pretty good. I was expecting it to be mostly about cancer and the foundation he formed but in my opinion it was a little about cancer and mostly about his cycling career. It was interesting and still a good read though. My original opinion of him being pretty cocky didn't change much and there were a few places in the book that he was rude to nurses that didn't really impress me much but his overall attitude of being determined to make it and not being afraid to get 2nd and 3rd opinions I thought was awesome. I have seen and heard lots of people that see one doctor or one surgeon and don't bother with the 2nd opinion or to be more informed on their health care decisions. Knowledge is power and the first opinion you come across is not always the right one for you. The one comment I have heard a lot about him is what a jerk he is for leaving his wife who stood by him through cancer treatments and everything. Although the book says nothing about their split up because it happened after the book was written, he wasn't married or even dating his wife during his treatments. They met at a meeting while trying to organize and start up his cancer foundation. He and his mom were super close and is probably the true definition of a "mama's boy". All and all a good book and story and I learned a ton of stuff about cycling that I never knew. Still think he is very cocky and has a potty mouth. In my free time (yeah right, like I have any of that) I am going to finally start the 7th Harry Potter book. I also hope to figure out how to hook up my video camera up to the computer and find out how to put video on my blog. I caught the kids singing the other day and it was so cute! I want to share! I was hoping it would be hot today and we could take the jet ski out but it is still overcast, so not looking too promising.
15 years ago
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