Happy to report that the rest of the week has managed to be normal. Nothing big to report. Jon and I spent a good part of the day on Friday at Home Depot getting paint and picking up trim and doors for the basement. After the kids were all screaming and both Jon and I wanted to chain them to floor and leave them at Home Depot we decided to separate with the kids. I told him, I will get the paint and you get the doors. When we met back at home he had gotten the doors and.......more paint. Apparently he didn't hear me say I was getting it so I went to pick it up after being mixed and then he had them mix more. Now we have 10 gallons of paint instead of 5. Ha! Too bad you can't return it. Jon started hanging the doors and doing the shelf work in one of the closets on Friday evening and I was able to go to my friend Emily's house who was having a house warming party. She just bought a cute town home in South Fort Collins. It was good to be able to see her.
Saturday Jon was back in the basement and our neighborhood was having a yard sale so I put some things out. Not a total success but was able to get rid of a few big things that the kids have out grown or we no longer use. The kids and I went to a birthday party in the afternoon for my friend Jenn's son Caleb all we all had a good time. They played some fun games where they got to paint their hair and use chop sticks to pick a prize. It was a Kung Fu Panda party. Of course now they want to see the movie. Afterwards we came home and I started painting, or should I say re painting, the majority of the basement. After we painted the first time the color looked too peach and didn't go well with the darker carpet we picked out. Duh, we should have picked those out together. So we decided to change the paint and get the color carpet that we wanted. Jon painted it all the first time so was none too excited to do it all over. So I started doing it because with him starting to hang trim I didn't want to have to tape off all the trim and re paint after the trim. I have it about 1/2 way done but haven't done any of the hard parts by the ceiling where we have to tape it off. I do think the new color will go better but man is it a pain. Jon was able to finish the door and the closet in one room and now we have one room in the basement about 90% finished. Yeah! Only about 4 more to go..... slowly but surely I suppose. I can't wait until it is done.
I got a new calling in church last week to start teaching my daughter's primary class. This is the children's program at church and she is in the 5-6 class. I am excited, I have never served in the primary before and I think it should be a good experience. I taught the class for the first time today and it went pretty well. There is one boy in her class that is a stinker and has a really hard time sitting still so he will be a challenge, but he is a cute kid and hopefully he will get better. Next week I was asked to speak in Sacrament meeting which I am never too excited about. I just am not a fan of getting up in front of large groups of people. I suppose it is a good practice though, just always takes me back to high school speech class, which of course I hated. Although 30 kids in my class compared to a few hundred in church was a little better. My birthday is next Saturday and I have to speak on Sunday, hardly fair, but I haven't spoke since 2005 so I guess my number was up. I was quick to remind them though that Jon hasn't spoken since before the last time I talked so he will probably be getting a call here shortly too. HA HA! He was giving me the "stank eye" when I was notifying them when he called. Sorry babe, if I have to do it so do you!! So I am talking on living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body along with the Word Of Wisdom. I suppose it shouldn't be so bad since I have been trying to be better about this sort of thing in the last 2 years. Wish me luck!
15 years ago
Good luck with that talk--I don't envy you!
You can return paint at Home Depot with your receipt. Just tell them you didn't like the color.
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