Sunday, April 06, 2008

General Conference Weekend

This weekend my church held general conference. This is when we have the opportunity to listen to talks and council from the leaders of our church. This is broadcast on BYU tv on both Saturday and Sunday at 10am and 2pm. They also broadcast it via satellite at all our church buildings. It is special because this conference we all had the chance to sustain our new prophet Thomas S. Monson. He is the 16th prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I got an email from my sister of an activity the children could do while listening to the speakers. They are sitting and coloring a bingo activity.
I have been surviving the week with lots and lots of help from my parents and Jon. I am still having pain with my right side and it feels like it is rubbing on a nerve. When I move the implant on the right side or lay on my tummy (which I have to do for 30 min twice a day) I feel that pain going all down my arm and it is very uncomfortable. I am hoping that this isn't permanent and Dr. Brewster can help me with this issue when I see her. I am starting to work again a little bit at a time. With the pain meds I am on it is sometimes difficult to concentrate.
My sister Toni got her hair cut this week. I told her about this Oprah show I saw this week where they did 100 hair cuts and people donated their hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. Hilary Swank let Oprah cut her long ponytail off to kick off the show. This program makes free wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair. So she cut her long hair and donated it. It looks so cute. Check out Toni's blog to see her pictures.
My sister Toni also told me about this site where you can publish your blog into a photo book called Blurb. Check out the site, it looks pretty cool.
On another funny note...Kids say some funny things. I have said to Alex sometimes, "Alex, I am mad at you because......" Well now she has started to say, "Mom, are you happy at me?" when she is taking a status of how I am feeling. Cody has never been able to say chocolate yet and when my dad was over the other day he wanted to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so asked my dad to start it and he was cracking up. He says it as Sh-lock-it. It is pretty funny. I have to write these things down so I don't forget. Olivia has spring break this week so I am going to have to find some things to do with the kids to keep them busy!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Good luck with spring break this week! Too bad the weather is so crappy outside still. Your kids are the cutest, they always make me laugh! Love you!