Well it is that time again ladies. Time for your monthly self breast exam. Here is a blurb from the buddy check 9 email:
"We ask you to do a breast self exam every month, with the hope that you will notice any change in your breast(s) at the earliest possible stage. Next, we want you to tell someone else about the importance of self exam. Call or e-mail a friend, family member or co-worker and encourage that person to embrace this monthly self check.
Finally, we want to thank all of you for your support to Denver's Race for the Cure. This week, the Komen for the Cure Denver Affiliate will award nearly 3 million dollars in grants to groups/individuals involved in the research, education and awareness efforts around breast cancer. For example mammograms and treatment will be provided to the uninsured and underinsured. Also, financial assistance is given to cancer patients and there is funding for prevention, research and education programs. Of course the goal is simple, to eradicate breast cancer. Thanks to you, this is a realistic and attainable goal. "
Remember early detection saves lives!! I have my first physical therapy appointment since surgery tomorrow and also a follow up with Dr. Brewster. Hopefully both will be good. I think I get to have my sutures removed...that ought to be fun. Hopefully the physical therapist will have some good ideas on improving that nerve pain I am having from the implant pushing funny on my underarm. I am feeling better and better everyday, just dread that 3o min floor time morning and evening. Yuck.
15 years ago
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