Sunday, March 28, 2010

Someone misses Daddy

The blog has been really neglected as of late. Thanks for the request to update the blog Mel!

For spring break I took the kids to Sacramento to visit my sister Amy and her family. She is expecting twins in June and won't be making her annual trip home to CO to visit this year so we went to her. Jon did not make the trip with us. He had his boys trip to Moab this last weekend and couldn't get the entire week off of work. All of the kids have missed him. Olivia had a huge break down when he left on Wednesday. She decided that she wanted to bring her daddy/daughter dance picture with her on our trip. This is how I found her asleep last night.
Good night sweet girl, your daddy misses you too.


mickeydee said...

Awwwwwwwww, this is so sad and so sweet at the same time.

Toni said...

SO cute! I miss Obo...

Mel Sims said...

Thanks, I feel much better now. =]

What a sweetie!!!