Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reasons why I love the father of my offspring today....

It all started last night, or should I say this morning. Early morning...and no it's not what your thinking, no muffins. I couldn't sleep last night and the last time I looked at the clock it was 2:45am. things I thought about during the wee hours included

a. replacing the annoying bark like stuff all around my yard with rock so the kids can actually enjoy our lovely grass in the summer rather than have splinters through their little feeties.

b. possibly painting my kitchen

c. wishing I was rich

and so on and so forth

Riveting, isn't it?

Ok not really, I know. But I really am not sure why I have such issues sleeping. It's madness. Any-who...back to the original story...Not sleeping until the wee hours of morning for me so on to the reasons I love the man I married.

1. He wakes up with the kids and lets me sleep in until 10 in the that was late.

2. When offspring come running up the stairs begging to have their nails painted (even the male offspring) he is on the ball painting until their heart's content.

Here are the other 2 little Brocklies awaiting their turn to be all painted up...

And then voila! All 3 of the Brocklies are all painted and ready to rock the joint.

Then the eldest of the painted added some bling to her get up.

3. He did all the left over dishes from the night before.

4. He cleaned the entire basement. And all of this done without even asking.

What a catch 'eh? Well I think so at least.

Love you babe.

In other news we are going to my sister's house over spring break and the kids are so overcome with excitement that they wanted to make a paper chain to count down the days. Olivia completed hers with a few links telling why she is excited to visit the Nelson casa.

Yo Nelson's...Look out we will see you in 20 days.


Toni said...

Only 20 days? I can't believe it! Your eldest offspring almost made me cry with those paper chains... blame it on the pregnancy, I guess. I am SOOOO excited to see you guys, too! And Jack can't stop talking about it. ;)

Sumtoy said...

I feel so blessed to be able to read about your life...I feel like I'm the old aunt that lives out west. You are young enough to be my daughter or niece. I thank GOD everyday for your recovery. Eliza you are one awesome woman with one awesome family...GOD has blessed your friends and family with your heart and spirit. GOD BLESS SWEETIE!!