Sunday, April 26, 2009

My niece...

My niece was born last week at around 26 weeks, so very premature. She has given us a few scares over the last week buy last night was bad. I was able to go down with my parents and brother-in-law to see her and her parents. Thankfully she is now stabilized!
Here is a video I made of the photos I took of her last night:

Friday, April 17, 2009

25 Random Things

I did this on Facebook awhile ago but had a good time doing it so thought I re post it on my blog. If you do this leave me a comment, because it is a fun way to get to know more about your friends. Here is my list.

1. I am a total freak about not feeling well. Always paranoid that whatever is wrong with me must be because my cancer is coming back.
2. One of my biggest fears is my husband dying. He drives excessivly for work and does tons of dangerous stuff at work so I am always paranoid about it.
3. I admire people who speak their mind. I wish I was more outspoken then I am, it would probably save me a lot of inner frusterations in aftermaths of conversations.
4. I hate it when people feel like everything is a competion needing to have the bigger bader things or did that same thing as you only 100 times cooler. "Top this"
5. I never thought that I would be interested in the health care feild until I became a full time, professional paitent. I can't wait until I have the time/money to get through nursing school.
6. I loathe confrontation. Most times I find it easier to avoid then have an all out tongue lashing with someone unless I am super pissed or hurt.
7. I have always had trouble sleeping. I sit up at night, even when i am exhausted, thinking about anything and everything. It is like I can't turn off my brain. I got the best sleep when doing cancer treatment because I was perscribed Ambien...sweet sweet ambien where are you? :-)
8. I would love to live in CA or somewhere where it is warm....ok, hot, all the time. I become a recluse in the winter time.
9. One of my "yeah right" dreams is to be a songwriter. My dad just gave me a guitar and I am really looking forward to learning how to play it.
10. I love camping with my family. Everyone has the best long as I am warm.
11. Love trail riding with the four wheelers. So fun!
12. I always knew my mom loved me, but realized just how much when she rearranged her existance to revolve around me during treatment. She was with me at every appointment, treatment, follow up, surgery, blood draw, procedure, etc. She made sure I was never alone at anything which I really appriciated after seeing all the patients that face those horrible times and hours upon hours of chemo all alone. Not only did she do this but was at my house several times a week cooking, cleaning, massaging or doing anything else I asked her to do. I will never forget her selfless acts of love during those times. Best. Mom. Ever.
13. I never thought that it would have been possible to love my husband and children more with each day that passes. I love being married to my best friend.
14. I loved cheerleading. (I am a dork) It was so much fun. I was on a professional team the year after I graduated high school. Good times.
15. I am grateful for all my life experiences, good and bad. I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
16. My faith is the foundation of my life. I don't know where I would be without my testimony of a loving Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.
17. I wish I was more confident in talking about my faith with others. I feel like people do that ".......oh, your mormom???" thing when they find out. Probably just my own insecurites.
18. Jon and I met at a country bar and love to country swing dance. I wish we could go more often.
19. In the last year I have recently found myself being really sad that we were done having kids. Even though we decided we were done after the twins and before I was diagnosed, something about "having" to be done because of that, really pisses me off.
20. I think I am a great listener. Most times I probably can't offer great advice but usually have a sacastic comment or provide humor to the situation.
21. Most of my favorite show are reality tv. The bachelor, survivor, amazing race...My husband thinks I am a nerd.
22. Who knew being a mom would be so hard. I pray for patience and to be a better parent every day.
23. I have never dieted or exercised regulary. I would really like to start a regular exercise routine.
24. I would love to be a better cook. Since my kids are so pickey we don't really experiment with much, just stick to the basics.
25. I cry when I laugh. I also cry about anything remotely sad on tv or in the movies or real life. Guess I am just sensitive.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snow Day

A few weeks ago we had a big blizzard here and they ended up cancelling school. Jon was able to take the kids sledding behind the four wheeler. They had a great time!

Here are some action shots:

This is where Daisy spent her "snow day". Gotta love the heater!

Spring Break Highlights

For spring break the kids and I loaded in the car and drove to Utah to see my sister. Jon was not able to come at the last minute due to work and so my Dad drove out with us. We had a great time visiting. Jack and Cody helped grandpa fix some of Toni's chairs. I love Cody's face in this picture.
Olivia and Jack became fast friends while sharing whip cream.Toni has a Smith's grocery store pretty close to her house that became a daily activity for us due to these child size shopping carts....the greatest invention of all time! You mean I can grocery shop while my kids entertain themselves and I don't even have to push around my heavy groceries....the kids fight about who gets to do all the manual that!

Amy and her family came to Toni's house on Wednesday because Trevor had a BYU reunion to go to over the weekend. When they got there we found this cool park that the kids loved. I think it was called Discovery Park.Then Toni and I took this super terrific self portrait....those are always the coolest.

Then we turned the camera over to the 4 year old, Alex. What a photographer!

I like how this one's focus is on Toni's belly and my rack. Ha!

On Thursday we went down to Provo with Amy's family and hung out at BYU. We took the kids bowling. My kids have never been bowling and they had a great time.

On Friday we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. The kids thought it was pretty cool and they had some interactive exhibits playing with sand and digging for fossils.

Yeah, we are about to get eaten by a shark!!

The lovely host family,talk about a change from the day it is just the three of you and the next day you have 3 extra adults and 6 extra kids. Yikes!

Thanks for having us Toni we loved being able to spend time with you guys and play. Amy, great to see you guys as always. I wish we all lived closer together.

Toni and Jack drove home with us and stayed with my parents through the next week. One day she was here we went to see my grandma who the kids call grandma great.